So Robert since you have talked about the schools in this thread.
What do you think about this article.....
Bill Maher says Biden administration 'all in' on pushing trans indoctrination with kids
HBO host says Democrats 'have to answer for' how they 'completely lost control' over schools ... ation-kids"Real Time" host Bill Maher took Democrats to task on the 21st season premiere of his HBO show over how they have "completely lost control" over schools across the nation.
"I thought a great subject to talk about would be schools, because they're in the news a lot," Maher began the panel discussion on Friday. "We live in a prison yard in this country, which is everything is tribal. And like anything that has to do with schools or education is something really the Democrats have to answer for because they control it. I mean, when you look at the Democratic Convention, it's like three-quarters of them are teachers. My sister's a teacher. I'm a big defender of teachers, but what's going on in schools is outrageous, and somebody needs to answer for it."
Maher highlighted a recent incident in Virginia where a six-year-old brought his mother's gun to school and shot his teacher and how the school librarian told the press how "routine" teachers, students and other staff are assaulted.
"How did we completely lose control?" Maher asked. "How could any kid learn in this atmosphere when you can't even survive? And these are all schools. This is not just inner-city schools. I hear this anecdotally from people. We've completely lost control of our schools."