Things that make campaigning door to door fun

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Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby robert. » Wed May 18, 2022 5:30 pm

This is what central Bucks school district is dealing with .

At last week’s School Board meeting, I took a moment to highlight my expectations for our students’ experience in our schools, along with my deep concern that the current climate in our community – both in school and out of school – is disrupting our mission of providing every child with the high-quality educational experience they deserve. Unfortunately, my comments were taken out of context by media outlets and members of the community who saw fit to relay only portions of what was said, resulting in a false narrative that is wholly unacceptable. Subsequently, I am providing the following to set the record straight.

In the event you are interested in what I said, you can hear the complete statement here. In it, I acknowledged that while our schools – and schools across the country – are at the epicenter of the cultural and political divide happening nationally, it is our responsibility as adults to do better for our young people. By better, I mean modeling respectful, thoughtful, productive civil discourse. By better, I mean ensuring every student, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic situation, ethnicity, cultural background, mental health struggles, disability, or ability knows that they are important and valued. I want our students to know that we care about every one of them, and that we are here to support them as they seek their place in the world.

I shared my thoughts that evening because unfortunately, over the course of the last weeks and months, conversations in the community have been rife with untruths, conjecture, and incomplete information, all of which is becoming untenable. To ensure you have the facts, I am going to address several issues that are occurring in our district, and while it makes for a lengthy message, I do hope you will take the time to review it for a more complete understanding of what has transpired in each situation.


A Lenape Middle School teacher was placed on paid leave on Friday, May 6, 2022. Since then, a narrative quickly circulated that the action was taken because of the teacher's advocacy for LGBTQAI+ students. This characterization is categorically untrue, and disturbing. My expectation is that our district administration, faculty and staff support all student populations, including LGBTQAI+ students. As the adults, it is our imperative to set the conditions for students to interact with one another in an environment of respect and tolerance for others’ differences. Furthermore, we enthusiastically support clubs like the Gay Straight Alliance and other similar organizations that provide a community for students.

The insinuation that our district would single out a teacher and take disciplinary action because the teacher supports LGBTQIA+ students is defamatory, and from what has transpired over the past week, it is also inflammatory. Like any organization that employs a work force, we cannot comment on specific personnel matters; however, I can tell you that all faculty and staff must adhere to a process for reporting potentially harmful events and situations, a process that exists to support student safety. We are currently conducting an evaluation of this particular situation and expect to have a determination on the teacher’s employment status in the coming weeks.

Understandably, there were students who were upset by this action, and we completely respect their right to demonstrate their support for this teacher. However, what ensued on Thursday, May 12 at Lenape Middle School spanned far beyond merely expressing disagreement or disappointment. What happened at Lenape that day was blatantly inappropriate, and to make matters worse, it has been reported inaccurately, particularly on social media. Here is a summary of the facts:

Tuesday, May 10

Upon arrival to school, a small group of 5-6 students assembled outside to demonstrate their support of the teacher on paid leave. These students did not report to their classes that morning. The building principal communicated to these students the district’s requirement to inform their parents that they were not in school (as is the case with all other absences), and parents were notified. During the lunch periods, other students made their way to and from the outside cafeteria courtyard, as they are allowed to and often do, with some engaging with the protesting students. The demonstrating students remained outside all day until school dismissal. Their time outside the school during school hours qualified as an unexcused absence.
Wednesday, May 11

A small group of students continued their protest as they had the day prior. This was a second consecutive, unexcused absence.
On Wednesday morning, Lenape’s principal, assistant principal, and school counselor met with a parent, an adult sibling of a Lenape student, and a community member who is not a CBSD parent to discuss how to best support our students’ right to engage in civil discourse while not disrupting the educational environment.
Later that day, a social media post by an outside group was distributed to the community, asking for community members to organize in cars and make their way to the Lenape parking lot to honk horns and demonstrate while school was in session.
Knowing this was going to take place, and considering the potential it carried to cause a substantial disruption to the learning environment (and endanger students who were outside as part of their classes), CBSD notified security and local law enforcement to assist with minimizing the disruption.
Community members arrived in cars, bypassed security and proceeded to honk horns and wave signs while students and teachers were in classes (one car even drove over the curb to do so). Eventually, security was able to gain control and move the vehicles and demonstrators off the property
Thursday, May 12

A small group of students continued their protest as they had the days prior.
The building principal and assistant principal were addressing the residual impact of everything that happened thus far, and were also attending to Keystone testing; as a result, members of the central office administrative team (including members of our pupil services team and social workers) were onsite to assist with maintaining order.
The central office team and pupil services teams coordinated social workers and counselors via a trauma-informed approach, and asked the demonstrating students to meet and discuss how to move forward in a more productive manner. The administrators also needed to communicate to the students that after a third consecutive day of unexcused absence, the district, according to PA State Department of Education requirements, would be required to report them as truant.
As the students began to make their way inside, the same adult who was with them on Wednesday (the community member who is not a CBSD parent) stopped the students, suggesting they shouldn’t proceed inside without her.
In an attempt to avoid further disruption, since the students were amenable to coming inside, administrators agreed to include the non-CBSD parent, as she presented herself as the gateway to the students who our administrators sought to support, and because the goal was to meet with the students to forge a solution.
The group met for two hours, and at the end of that time, the administrators asked the non CBSD parent (and that person’s non CBSD child) to leave so that the building guidance counselor could meet individually with the students to afford them the opportunity to speak candidly and confidentially. The community member disagreed with central administration’s stance that she was not a welcomed and vetted stakeholder in the process, and eventually the non-CBSD community member and child left the building.
Several minutes later during the first lunch period of the day, the same non-CBSD parent and child, along with one CB West high school student, returned to the outside cafeteria at Lenape with pizza, pretzels and candy to lure students who were inside to come outside. The group had protest signs telling the students inside the school cafeteria that they were permitted to come out for free pizza and snacks if they took one of this group’s flyers about the teacher on paid leave.
What resulted from this action was, in a word, chaos. Inside the building, Lenape students were incited, and in an attempt to access the free pizza and candy, they began pushing each other to get out the doors, all while the students who were outside when the protest group arrived were trying to get inside to avoid what was becoming a disruptive environment.
Inside the cafeteria, students were pushing each other up against the windows, falling over each other, banging on tables and engaging in recording the protestors. A student with special needs who is non-ambulatory, along with the child’s PCA, were placed in a very dangerous and potentially harmful situation as they attempted to distance themselves from the escalating behaviors caused by this disruption. Additionally, other students with special needs became unsettled by the disruption of these events, resulting in the need for medical attention and other emergency interventions.
The Lenape principal attempted to re-establish order and stop students from filming the protestors. Using a microphone, she asked the students to stop and be seated, and she demanded that students delete any video or photos they had taken of the incident, as there was to be no further bullying. This was done in an attempt to keep students safe.
I regret to report that this situation only worsened into the evening of May 12, 2022, courtesy of vitriolic, hateful, profanity-filled phone messages and emails sent to our administrators, including a death threat directed to the principal.

Yesterday, May 16, a community group placed a message on social media encouraging Lenape students to engage in a day of silence tomorrow, Wednesday, May 18th, and to paint the letters SOS on their faces, which represents “Students over Saullo,” a reference to Lenape principal Geanine Saullo. Such a message clearly seeks to disrupt the learning environment, and severely (and completely unfairly) impact the principal’s ability to maintain order in her capacity as principal.

As I clearly stated at the Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Board meeting, every single student in Central Bucks Schools deserves to feel seen, heard, cared for, included, accepted, respected, and loved. Students deserve to view their schools as a safe space to learn and explore the world around them. What happened at Lenape Middle School last week, and what is being encouraged to happen tomorrow by community members is absolutely not the way to achieve that; rather, it is an abomination and an attempt to use students to promote a one-sided narrative.

This is precisely what I meant when I stated that the adults need to do better. We all have an obligation to teach our students how to engage in dissent by modeling the productive, nuanced and respectful behaviors that will someday allow them to successfully manage the inevitable conflicts that will arise in their lives. Navigating conflict, being willing to listen, and seeking to understand the premise of others’ perspectives (especially in the politically and culturally charged environment in which we all live) has never been more crucial, and we as the adults need to be accountable for our students’ growth by committing to mature, civil behaviors that reflect the basic decency and humanity we seek to instill in our young people.

One final note: thanks to the actions of the Lenape administration and the central office teams, every student went home safely that night.


The following is an account of another false narrative being perpetuated by some community members, causing undue and unjust scrutiny on our district and community.

In April, it was reported that Rent, the musical, was being denied as a school production for the CB West Harlequin Club’s fall 2022 performance because the district does not support anything related to homosexuality and other themes portrayed in the show. Once again this is not true; in fact, Rent was approved once the process in place was actually followed, and we are excited to see the phenomenal performance, as our theater programs are truly spectacular!


Regarding reports that the district has determined that pride flags should be removed from classrooms, this is true, and while we can agree to disagree on this one, the reason for the decision is that the flags, once thought to be a statement of support, are now a flashpoint for controversy and divisiveness in our school buildings. These flags now represent more than a symbol of a safe space for our LGBTQAI+ students; instead, they have become a symbol of “taking sides.”

I have never met a teacher, administrator or support staff member in this district who does not support and value ALL our students. Those who work in education care deeply for the academic, social and emotional welfare of students; yet, not every member of our school community feels it is appropriate, let alone necessary, to hang a pride flag in their classrooms. Now, all of a sudden, teachers who have historically demonstrated love, compassion and support for all their students, yet choose not to display these flags, are being questioned and in some cases, labeled as homophobic or intolerant. That is unacceptable on every level imaginable. These flags have taken on a contentiousness that is pulling our focus away from the support and belonging our students deserve, and they are dividing our community at a time that calls for healing.

In my statement, I indicated that it is the compassionate, empathetic and authentic relationships between adults and students that keeps students safe. An adult who listens and works with our students to build and maintain a culture of respect and belonging keeps kids safe. An adult who witnesses an injustice, in any form, and acts upon it in support of the oppressed keeps kids safe. Our students deserve actionable, authentic advocacy on their behalf, and I expect every employee in this district to act with that expectation in mind. I will not permit the collective efficacy of our employees to fall under scrutiny over the display or non-display of any flag; instead, we must endeavor to foster productive relationships that create safe spaces for our students and a solid foundation for their wellbeing, regardless of how they choose to identify themselves.


It has also been reported that the district is excluding students who identify as transgender or gender fluid from the Human Growth and Development curriculum. This is inaccurate. This is a curriculum that is taught in 4th through 6th grades that focuses on the anatomy and physiology of male and female bodies, as well as the social and emotional changes that occur with a young person’s physical development.

This year, we received requests for students to engage with this curriculum according to the sex that they identify with, rather than the sex they were physiologically born. In an effort to be as inclusive and respectful of every student and family, we made the decision to devise a new way of delivering this important curriculum. We understand that some of our elementary schools had already begun the curriculum before we made that decision, and we do apologize for that; however, when we are made aware of a need, we have an obligation to address it. Moving forward, we have provided families with details of how they can access this curriculum, and we will continue to seek ways to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all our students and their families.

I realize that there is much to digest here and given the climate that exists, I will continue to fact check as we move forward together so we are all working with accurate information. Rather than jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst of the administrators and teachers who are devoted to the students in our schools, we need to coalesce around the basic tenets of decency and respect. After all, our students are watching, and regardless of whether we agree, we all must operate within that awareness. I appreciate your time in reading this, and I will continue to engage with you in an effort to refocus our work on the academic and emotional health and wellness of all students.
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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby v8vega » Thu May 19, 2022 10:19 am

Teachers in California have one goal and one goal only, reliable, lifetime, Democrat party voters.

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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby Neil » Thu May 19, 2022 12:44 pm

Sounds like a right mess. Civil disobedience is anyone's right as long as it doesn't do physical harm to others, but it sounds like some of this is an attempt to circumvent due process, which is not a good thing. We have reached the point where disruptions of everyday life are common by those who feel threatened, and that's extremely unfortunate. Then again a small proportion of the population (mostly on the right at present) think violence in defense of their ideas of what our society should look like is justified. Not a recipe for peace. But then again, when you have a former President spreading self-serving lies and misinformation and even encouraging insurrection, what else can you expect from the populace in general?

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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby robert. » Thu May 19, 2022 2:09 pm

I don’t believe an adult had the right to lure children. An adult went to the middle school( 13-15 year old kids) then tried to lure them out of school with candy. Ad a parent i’m not allowed in the school during class . I may ring the front bell and give whatever my daughter forgot to whoever answers. They will deliver it to her. Unless it is medicine. The the nurse will be cold to meet me. After receiving the medication. She will contact our physician to confirm dosage.
I cant believe nobody was arrested.
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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby HONDO74 » Thu May 19, 2022 3:11 pm

I have read what you posted at least twice and some of the individual parts several times. I think I comprehend what you are trying to achieve. Is it possible. I have my doubts.

There is an old saying.
You can please all of the people some of the time and you please some of the people all of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time.

It appears to me that there are people there that are demanding and pushing an agenda that has nothing to do with quality of education for all of the children.The only thing that matters to them is their agenda. If they since that you are not with them 100% they will probably come to your house to protest next. They won't hesitate to destroy you and your family.

You have to decide if this is worth it or not. At this point I don't think anyone can save the education system in this country. I would say that it is on the eve of destruction except it is already past that point.

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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby robert. » Thu May 19, 2022 4:45 pm

I’m trying to get people to come together in the middle. We need to get rid of “My way or the highway “ we can compromise and take the backroads.
We can keep the LGBTQ books in school. If they have inappropriate language. They can be viewed by parental consent. I have not read the book in question. I was told it “describes a father rapping his child” if that is the case. It is not suitable for 11-14 year old children. Heck the nightly new is not suitable for 14 year old children. Some say the book is banned because the author is LGBTQ. .
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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby HONDO74 » Thu May 19, 2022 5:29 pm

I"M not sure you comprehend whats going on in the schools. The schools and the teachers don't want the parents involved in their child's indoctrination. They want total control of the children.

Presently with the blessing of the Biden administration and the justice department any parent that go to the schools and question what their children are being taught are labeled domestic terrorist...

What the liberal progressives are doing reminds me of how the Palestinians operate. They take the children from an early age and teach (indoctrinate) them to hate the Jews.

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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby Neil » Thu May 19, 2022 7:03 pm

Hondo, good to see you are smoking the good stuff. The problem with the schools is mostly crazy bigoted parents who don't want the subjects of normal human sexuality discussed at all, nor the history of racism in the USA. MAGA nitwits and white supremacists who want their demented history of the United States and their wholly insane ideas about human sexuality taught as a substitute for what actual physicians and historians know to be true. But given that these parents also are often anti-science, anti-vaxxers and fearful of being replaced by Jews, blacks, foreigners and sexual minorities, it's not a big surprise. Make American Ghastly Again :).

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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby robert. » Thu May 19, 2022 7:58 pm

Tonight's school board meeting was a blast. Two 4th grade non binary born females want to take boys sex ed/Human growth classes. 2 non binary born females were told last week they could not takes the boys class.
I will say " hats off to the superintendent. I feel his move was brilliant on handling this. Our school district will no longer teach 4th graders sex ed. in school. It is now a virtual class. Kids can pick what ever class they want to take (male or female). Simply watch it at home on your school laptop. I have a feeling many districts will be switching to this method. I was asked to leave for stating that i was running for state rep. I told the superintendent "his way of handling this situation was brilliant". I then mentioned that "I was trying to run for office" He warned me "not to say that on school property. I then mentioned to the board. "Maybe these books in question(LGBTQ Themed) could be held by the librarian and checked out by kids with a note from their parent." Some people "grumbled" I then said "as a state rep candidate i should read one of the books in question to have a better view of the subject. Does anyone have one to loan out"? He told me i was warned once and now should leave".
It's amazing how everything has come down to sex. Even 4th grade classrooms.
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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby HONDO74 » Thu May 19, 2022 8:08 pm

robert. wrote:
This year, we received requests for students to engage with this curriculum according to the sex that they identify with, rather than the sex they were physiologically born. I

How many do you have at this school that identify with a sex rather than the sex they were physiologically born with ?
These are 4th graders 9 or 10 years old ?

The reason I ask is because I was just reading this article from a Congressional hearing on abortion Wednesday in which pro-abortion advocate Aimee Arrambide, executive director of the abortion rights nonprofit Avow Texas told Congress that yes, men can get pregnant and have abortions.

So now Robert you have been warned and asked to leave. You had no idea when you started this adventure that you had the potential to be a domestic terrorist.

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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby robert. » Thu May 19, 2022 9:21 pm

I don’t know exact numbers. 200 or less is all they will say. There is 18,000 students in the district. The less than 200 comes from a forensic study of the transportation department’s budget. Buses take many of these students to a special school. Somehow through the right to know act. A parent received info on how many bus stops are made after leaving this special school( for transitioning students. School board will not confirm or deny this right to know info. They have no comment.
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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby robert. » Mon May 23, 2022 10:09 pm

Ugh 10 minute post and hit the wrong button.
Sunday was a lost day, with 95 degree temps. Only 7 signatures and i gave up. I also had a childhood friend step down from helping. He is an environmental lawyer. His firm works with PA., NJ., and DE. state departments. They told him " he could donate to me but not volunteer". It would be nice if they sent me some do rae me. I just wanted my friend to knock door to door with me.
With only 7 signatures i need to make up some ground on Monday. Where and how? An over 55 community. Let me tell you " I'm a hit with the over 55. signatures left and right. Then came that one homeowner. after 5 minutes he says " His views are not mine". I " Thanked him for his time" and left.. A couple minutes later he is driving behind me as i walk. I can feel his hairy eye focused on me. He calls me to his car " You can't do this here" Me " yes i can. I left your house when you said that was it" Him " you need to be with a party" He then say " Look you appear to be a nice fellow you need to be with a party to do this" I show him my papers and say " No i don't leave me alone" Him " You don't want trouble" I go to a few more houses and get signatures.
Here come the cops. The first cop tells me " I need a permit to solicit" Me " No i don't I have state department nomination papers here look" At that point i try to pull out my cellphone and film it. " Damn my battery is dead. With the cop and a raving homeowner. I could get dozens of signatures from the online community. After a few words the cops follow me to my car. I plug my phone in and call the board of election. 15 minutes of holding and a person finally comes on. She tell the 2 officers that staid " If they or the homeowner stop me. They can be sued for inhibiting a free election process. My papers are filed with the PA state department" She then questioned if the homeowner was there? He answered" yes" Her comment to him was" Did this man leave when you asked?" After his answer. She said" leave him alone" After her reply the guy went crazy. " He's not in a real party he's in my neighborhood. He's knocking door to door" At that point the police said to me " sorry for the confusion. This is a retirement community with a lot of older people live here and we check in from time to time. Have a nice day"
Last edited by robert. on Mon May 23, 2022 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby robert. » Mon May 23, 2022 10:09 pm

[quote="robert."]Ugh 10 minute post and hit the wrong button.
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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby Rufus T. Firefly » Tue May 24, 2022 10:43 am

robert. wrote:Ugh 10 minute post and hit the wrong button.
Sunday was a lost day, with 95 degree temps. Only 7 signatures and i gave up. I also had a childhood friend step down from helping. He is an environmental lawyer. His firm works with PA., NJ., and DE. state departments. They told him " he could donate to me but not volunteer". It would be nice if they sent me some do rae me. I just wanted my friend to knock door to door with me.
With only 7 signatures i need to make up some ground on Monday. Where and how? An over 55 community. Let me tell you " I'm a hit with the over 55. signatures left and right. Then came that one homeowner. after 5 minutes he says " His views are not mine". I " Thanked him for his time" and left.. A couple minutes later he is driving behind me as i walk. I can feel his hairy eye focused on me. He calls me to his car " You can't do this here" Me " yes i can. I left your house when you said that was it" Him " you need to be with a party" He then say " Look you appear to be a nice fellow you need to be with a party to do this" I show him my papers and say " No i don't leave me alone" Him " You don't want trouble" I go to a few more houses and get signatures.
Here come the cops. The first cop tells me " I need a permit to solicit" Me " No i don't I have state department nomination papers here look" At that point i try to pull out my cellphone and film it. " Damn my battery is dead. With the cop and a raving homeowner. I could get dozens of signatures from the online community. After a few words the cops follow me to my car. I plug my phone in and call the board of election. 15 minutes of holding and a person finally comes on. She tell the 2 officers that staid " If they or the homeowner stop me. They can be sued for inhibiting a free election process. My papers are filed with the PA state department" She then questioned if the homeowner was there? He answered" yes" Her comment to him was" Did this man leave when you asked?" After his answer. She said" leave him alone" After her reply the guy went crazy. " He's not in a real party he's in my neighborhood. He's knocking door to door" At that point the police said to me " sorry for the confusion. This is a retirement community with a lot of older people live here and we check in from time to time. Have a nice day"

Welcome to reality......and you have learned why folks that probably should run for office won't. Too much wading through too much stupidity, ignorance, and $hite. They don't make waders big enough......and if you do try, the smell of all never washes off.
Conservatism: The intense fear that somewhere, somehow, someone you think is inferior is being treated as your equal.

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Re: Things that make campaigning door to door fun

Postby robert. » Tue May 31, 2022 9:03 pm

Here is a list of books parents would like to have removed from local schools. I know there is a few retired teachers here. Take a look at the list and read some of the pages in question. I personally feel the should not be in a high school. I have suggested to the school board to require a note from a parent to check them out. If i can get a text message when my daughter is not in school. They can send a text when your kid wants to checkout one of these books. These books in the link are causing a big up roar. One side says " they are pornography" They other side says " You want to ban them due to their LGTBQ Authors" Read the few page linked below and give your take. ... oLFnyhWc2U
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