Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby E7 » Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:57 pm

Neil wrote:I just appear arrogant to you because you have nothing you could possibly be arrogant about, and you're used to bullying people into submission. You are pissed because I'm smarter and better educated, and am not intimidated by your tantrums. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Izzat the best you can do? You're not only arrogant, you're pathetic! :lol:

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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby Neil » Tue Aug 16, 2022 7:33 pm

Maybe, but not remotely as pathetic as you. :)

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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby v8vega » Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:33 am

Obviously the Communists and Neil want real high gas prices, real high inflation, open borders, criminals amongst us,no electricity or water.
Don't say I don't know what a Communist is, I live in California.

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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby Neil » Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:57 am

Gas prices are already down 20% and inflation should be coming down over the next year. Nothing to do with politicians, in any case, but rather to do with the pandemic and the war in Ukraine primarily.

As for open borders, not even possible and not the case, but we need and benefit from immigration, and should provide homes for allies who helped us in Iraq and Afghanistan. We should also provide refuge for a portion of the populations of Central American states whose oligarchic regimes we have supported to the detriment of their people. Controlled immigration actually benefits the nation, and none of us are native Americans, to make the point. The Irish, Italians and Jews, for example, who came to this country in the 19th and 20th century form the bulk of our population, and the bulk of our engineers and scientists. We have a shortage of labor at all levels of the economy. What better way to solve that problem than immigration?

As for crime, politicians have no role in that either. It's a social phenomenon, and rates of serious crime are dramatically down from the 1970s and 1980s, which proves that neither party has any solutions. If we had better family support, housing and racial equity, crime likely would be lower, as it is in most democratic nations who don't worship at the feet of the "capitalism solves all problems" graven image. The Republican party has no answers except for policies that will hurt social equity, the poor and ignore the needs of the working and middle classes. Believe their fascist propaganda if you like, but their policies are known to be useless or harmful in almost all cases. Of course, you don't believe expert economists and political scientists because they tell you things you don't want to hear.

As for electricity and water, the biggest problems so far have been in Texas, where a totally incompetent and fascist governor and legislature have been Republican for a long time. It's the Democrats who proposed a major infrastructure bill, not the Republicans.

California is no more communist than any other American state, unless you're talking fascists like Texas. Communists believe in government ownership of all manufacturing and industry. Capitalism believes in free markets. But free markets without protection against exploitation leads to terrible things like child labor, exploitation and unfair enrichment of those who are powerful. That's why governments need to regulate but not control capitalism's operation.
Last edited by Neil on Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby HONDO74 » Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:04 am

Neil wrote:
As for electricity and water, the biggest problems so far have been in Texas, where a totally incompetent and fascist governor and legislature have been Republican for a long time.

Actually it's the west coast that has the biggest problem with water and electricity. The water level is so low on the Colorado river that the Glen Canyon and Hoover dam are close to shutting down the production of electricity. The electricity from these 2 dams provide for about 100 million people. Plenty on news and documentaries about what is going on out there.

They are becoming so desperate they are talking about building a water pipeline from the Mississippi river to the west coast.

Gov Newsom wants to spend the money to keep a nuclear power plant operational for another 10 years that was supposed to shut down. Sounds like a good idea to me. Build more nuke power plants but you have to have the water to cool them

they want to have desalination plants for water but it takes a lot of electricity for that to work and it's very expensive

Calif had plenty of opportunities to build more reservoirs but they chose to let the water run into the ocean. Calif has a population of 38 million people. That's more than the country of Canada. And every year they will continue to have massive forest fires with some being caused by the electric grid.

Gasoline and diesel in Calif is more expensive because it is specially formulated per Calif specs.

But then you have people like Bob Turner who says he doesn't care and he is going to burn truck loads of av-gas which is leaded and detrimental to the environment. The elite in Calif don't care they continue to burn tons of fossil fuel in their private jets.

It's just one big happy merry-go-round.....

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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby E7 » Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:53 pm

Neil wrote:As for crime, politicians have no role in that either.

Except maybe allowing anyone to waltz across the southern border. :mrgreen:

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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby robert. » Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:53 pm

E7 wrote:
Neil wrote:As for crime, politicians have no role in that either.

Is a DA. a politician? A judge?
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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby Neil » Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:13 pm

There is no evidence that DAs, politicians or judges have any effect on crime rates. Criminologists claim that economic, social and similar factors determine crime rates in general. We don't know why people become murderers, rapists and other violent offenders. It's not mental illness in most cases. As for crimes against property, those are likely affected by recessions, depressions, government support policies. In general, the countries with the most generous social policies have the lowest crime rates. Countries with ready access to firearms have the highest suicide and homicide rates. Guess who leads the pack?

And immigrants have amongst the lowest rates of criminal conduct, contrary to idiotic Republican arguments that are totally the opposite of reality. Makes sense. If you are here illegally or legally, you don't want to call attention to yourself by committing crimes, and thus getting deported or having your green card or visa cancelled.

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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby E7 » Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:55 pm

Neil wrote:If you are here illegally or legally, you don't want to call attention to yourself by committing crimes, and thus getting deported or having your green card or visa cancelled.

Well Slick, illegals wouldn't have a green card or a Visa (unless they swiped someone's credit card).

Obviously NOT all these people are bad, but letting anyone across the border at will is stupidity. How would you feel if you were had gone through the process to become a naturalized citizen and then watched thousands of people cross the border scot-free. What if that female jogger that was murdered by an illegal a year or so back was your daughter? Career criminals are not going to change their lifestyle because they crossed the border.

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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby HONDO74 » Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:17 pm

The number of suicides in Japan in 2021 totaled 21,007 no access to firearms

(just over half of all homicides are committed via firearms)... and especially gangs, organized crime, and the drug trade. In fact, the report estimates that "an average of roughly 65,000 killings every year were related to organized crime and gangs over the period 2000–2017, and that up to 19% of all homicides recorded globally in 2017 were related to organized crime and gangs."

violence in Mexico is no joke. There have been over 47,000 drug-related murders alone in the past five years. Its murder rate - 18 per 100,000 according to this United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime report - is more than three times the US rate of 4.8 per 100,000.

Mexico Murder rate

25,757 Ranked 2nd. 98% more than United States
Murder rate per million people

218.49 Ranked 17th. 5 times more than United States

CHICAGO (WLS) -- New data from the FBI show that for the first time in four years, violent crime across the country went up last year.

In Chicago, from 2019 to 2020, homicides jumped by more than 50%, according to the bureau.

Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown talked about those numbers Monday and what's causing it.

The city's top cop spoke at the City Club, putting much of the blame for Chicago's gun violence on the illicit drug trade.

In 2019, nearly 71,000 people died from drug overdoses. It was a leading cause of injury-related death in the United States. Over 70% of overdose deaths involved an opioid , heroin, or synthetic opioids (like fentanyl).

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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby robert. » Fri Aug 19, 2022 6:40 am



We lead with drug use and guns.
when i look up poor education. it does not fall into any of the above problem. Countries with the poorest education are not listed with gun problems drug use crime or suicide.
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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby Rufus T. Firefly » Fri Aug 19, 2022 6:59 am

robert. wrote: We lead with drug use and guns.
when i look up poor education. it does not fall into any of the above problem. Countries with the poorest education are not listed with gun problems drug use crime or suicide.

Top cause of death in the US is heart disease..........maybe health care is something to consider; then again, health care is hard.
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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby robert. » Fri Aug 19, 2022 9:07 am

What if we prevent stress, smoking and up our air quality.? That could take a large chunk out of heart disease. I’m 100 percent positive it is cheaper to quit smoking than pay a cardiologist. It’s cheaper too walk than drive. In the long run it’s cheaper to laugh than curse and turn red in the face.
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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby Rufus T. Firefly » Fri Aug 19, 2022 9:20 am

robert. wrote:What if we prevent stress, smoking and up our air quality.? That could take a large chunk out of heart disease. I’m 100 percent positive it is cheaper to quit smoking than pay a cardiologist. It’s cheaper too walk than drive. In the long run it’s cheaper to laugh than curse and turn red in the face.

Improving air quality has already shown significant benefit; there are a lot of simple and then not so simple things that can be done. Problem is that people either do not want to do them or do not believe that they will help or are real, etm.
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Re: Bloted Communist Baldwin shoots and kills camera woman

Postby v8vega » Fri Aug 19, 2022 9:23 am

Maybe gas has gone down a little but it's still two dollars more than when Trump left office. We still have 2 1/2 years of this ineptitude to go.
Natural gas for heating our homes this winter coming soon also has gone up like gasoline under this A hole
Last edited by v8vega on Fri Aug 19, 2022 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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